Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Review: Game by Barry Lyga

(Jasper Dent # 2)
By: Barry Lyga
Pub. Date: April 16, 2013
Publisher: Little, Brown Young Readers
Pages: 517
Source: Purchased

I Hunt Killers introduced the world to Jasper (Jazz) Dent, the son of the world's most infamous serial killer.

When a desperate New York City detective comes knocking on Jazz's door asking for help with a new case, Jazz can't say no. The Hat-Dog Killer has the Big Apple--and its police force running scared with no leads. So Jazz and his girlfriend Connie hop on a plane to the big city and get swept up in a killer's murderous game.

Meanwhile, Jazz's dad Billy is watching...and waiting.
I was a huge fan of last years I Hunt Killers and I could not wait to get myself a copy of Game. I didn't think it would be possible, but I loved Game even more. The stakes are higher, the plot is chilling, and the writing is fantastic. We also get to dive more into the mind of Jasper (aka Jazz) and his father, the notorious serial killer Billy Dent.

Jazz is one of my favorite YA boys out there. Having been raised by a psycho, he definitely did not have a normal childhood. Anything good or happy in his life was always tainted by his father's "lessons". Now at 17, Jazz is trying to figure out what kind of man he is supposed to be. He doesn't want to be like Billy. He always wants to make the right choice and do the right thing, but he knows that it will only take one slip up to become Billy. Even something as beautiful as first love is screwed up for Jazz. He is even afraid to have sex with girlfriend Connie because sex and murder is connected in his mind (Thanks for that Billy!). He is afraid that losing his virginity would be his trigger. That once he has sex, he will murder-how messed up is that? Poor, poor Jazz. I really feel for the kid.

In I Hunt Killers, Jazz helped the police capture the impressionist. In Game there is a serial killer in New York City, and it may or may not be related to Billy and the impressionist. These murders are gruesome. There are body parts being cut off (and eaten!), insides on the outside, and everything in between. But it's a game. The victims, the police, Jazz, even the one (or two!) murderers are merely just the players.

I seriously could not turn the pages fast enough. Everything about this book was absolutely amazing. Probably the worst thing you could do is read this book at night, in a strange place (like me!). The creep factor is absolutely through the roof!

Game ended on a cliffhanger that I definitely did not see coming. Actually, Game ended on several different cliffhangers! I am so excited to find out what happens next!  

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