Walking Disaster
(Beautiful # 2)
By: Jamie McGuire
Pub. Date: April 2, 2013
Publisher: Atria Books
Pages: 448
Source: Netgalley
Finally, the highly anticipated follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Beautiful Disaster. Can you love someone too much?I was a huge fan of last years Beautiful Disaster and I could not wait to read Abby and Travis' story from Tarvis' point of view, but the story ended up disappointing me. I felt that some of the scenes weren't all that different from when we read it from Abby's point of view. I was hoping for a little more, a little more insight into these characters, especially Travis. We already know how complex of a person Travis is, and I was hoping to learn more about him in Walking Disaster, but that didn't happen. I feel that I know Travis the exact same amount as I did before I read his story.
Travis Maddox learned two things from his mother before she died: Love hard. Fight harder.
In Walking Disaster, the life of Travis is full of fast women, underground gambling, and violence. But just when he thinks he is invincible, Abby Abernathy brings him to his knees.
Every story has two sides. In Beautiful Disaster, Abby had her say. Now it’s time to see the story through Travis’s eyes.
The writing was very slow for me, and parts just seemed to
drag on. I found myself skipping passages. While on the other spectrum, other
parts just felt so rushed.
The epilogue was a nice touch, but even that felt rushed.
Basically, I think I would have been happier with some scenes being taken out,
while other scenes being written a little better.
I know this review makes it sound like I completely hated Walking Disaster, but that isn't true. I
still thought that the concept was a good one. I think I just expected a little
more. I was really hoping to get a lot more insight into this man then I did.