Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Review: Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Anderson

Lord of the Wolfyn
(Royal House of Shadows # 3)
By: Jessica Anderson
Pub. Date: October 18, 2011
Publisher: Harlequin
Pages: 282
Source: Netgalley
Once upon a time…the Blood Sorcerer vanquished the kingdom of Elden.

To save their children, the queen scattered them to safety and the king filled them with vengeance.

Only a magical timepiece connects the four royal heirs…and time is running out.…

For practical Reda Weston, nothing could explain how reading a sexy version of "Little Red Riding Hood" catapulted her into another realm—face-to-fang with the legendary wolf-creature who seduced women. A wolf who transformed into a dark, virile man….

Dayn cursed the Sorcerer that turned him wolfyn and damned him to a lonely fate. As a beast, he mated with women to gain strength.

Strength he needed to rescue his royal parents. But as a man, he craved Reda's heated, sizzling touch. With little time left, Dayn had to either embrace his wolf to save his kingdom…or fight it to save his woman.
 Lord of the Wolfyn is the third book in the Royal House of Shadows series, and out of the siblings we have met so far, Dayn is my favorite one!

It does have a very slow start and I felt myself being bored for most of the story. Halfway into the book though, things started to pick up. The action was very fast paced and the final showdown with the evil witch was epic!

I really loved when Dayn and Reda started to get close. I really liked them together. I thought that they were perfect for each other and had a great connection.

As I said earlier, Dayn was my favorite sibling. After his parents spell took him and his three siblings to different areas, the Vampire Prince found himself able to turn into a werewolf and hiding out in the Wolf realm. Right before his father died, he told him that when a mysterious women finds him, he has four days to get to Elder to save their kingdom. 

While reading a very old version of Little Red Riding Hood, Police Officer Reda finds herself transported to Dayn's world. Now, Dayn has exactly four days to get the human Reda to trust him and get to Elder.

I am so excited to see this series come together in the fourth, and final book, Lord of the Abyss!

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