Title: Key to Hell
Series: Hell Night Series #4
Author: Alex Grayson
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: June 27, 2019
Emo doesn’t feel. Anything. His soul is dark and filled with hatred. People in the small town of Malus watch him with fear, with reverence. Exactly the way he prefers it.
Guilt surrounds him, caging him in an ominous past he refuses to let go. Can’t let go. His past is responsible for the shell of the man who now exists. He doesn’t know any other way to survive.
The woman who haunts his dreams is his only salvation. He’s hurt her over and over again. He didn’t have a choice.
The key he holds on to, the one he uses to carve into his flesh, is the key to his hell. It’s his reminder of the pain he’s suffered and inflicted.
Will there be retribution? Can Emo be saved? Or is he destined to live in this dark hell he’s surrounded himself in for the rest of his life?
My Review:
Key To Hell is
book 4 in the Hell Night series. I have pretty much been obsessed with these
books since the first one came out and I have been even more excited to finally
read Emo’s book.
Emo has been the brother who always had it worse on Hell
night because he was forced to hurt Rella. He also had it the worst because
while the others had “loving parents” the other days of the month, Emo’s dad
was always abusive. Due to his childhood and what he had to do to Rella, he
always needed pain and he was emotionally unstable. I always knew there was
more to his character, and I absolutely loved getting his point of view in this
book. We were able to see a whole other side to Emo and his loving, caring,
selfless side made me fall in love with him even more.
Emo and Rella together was a beautiful thing. Both have been
through so much and it was absolutely wonderful seeing their love blossom. I’m
still swooning over the care that Emo showed Rella.
This series is dark, but I can’t recommend it enough. The
writing, the characters and the story will suck you in and you will never want
to leave Malus, Texas!